---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Cream Cake
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 12 servings
      12 oz Semisweet chocolate chips
     1/2 c  Unsalted butter
       6    Egg; separated; room temp
       1 c  Sugar
     1/2 c  Pecan; finely chopped
       1 tb Irish cream liqueur
     1/2 ts Vanilla
       1 pn Cream of tartar
       2 c  Whipping cream
     1/4 c  Powdered sugar
       2 tb Irish cream liqueur
       2 oz Chocolate curls; (optional)
   Preheat oven to 350~. Grease and flour 10 springform pan.
   Melt chocolate chips and butter in top of double boiler
   over hot, but not boiling, water. Beat yolks in large bowl
   of electric mixer until very thick, about 5 minutes. Beat
   in 1/2 cup sugar 1 tablespoon at a time. Stir in melted
   chocolate, pecans, 1 tablespoon liqueur and vanilla. Beat
   whites with cream of tartar in another large bowl until
   soft peaks form. Gradually add remaining 1/2 cup sugar and
   beat until stiff but not dry. Gently fold 1/4 of whites
   into chocolate mixture, then fold chocolate mixture back
   into remaining whites. Pour into prepared pan. Bake 30
   minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 275~ and continue
   baking 30 minutes. Turn off oven; let cake stand in oven
   for 30 minutes with door ajar.
   Remove cake from oven. Dampen paper towel and place on top
   of cake for 5 minutes; remove towel (top of cake will crack
   and fall). Cool cake in pan. Remove springform. Transfer
   cake to platter. Beat whipping cream in large bowl of
   electric mixer until soft peaks form. Beat in powdered
   sugar and liqueur. Spoon whipped cream onto top of cake and
   smooth evenly. Sprinkle with chocolate curls if desired.
   Refrigerate 6 hours. Let stand at room temperature 30
   minutes before serving.