---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Cream Cake ,wheat Free
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 10 servings
     1/2 c  Butter
       6    Egg; room temp
      12 oz Chocolate chip
     1/2 c  Hazelnuts; ground
       1 c  Sugar
   1 1/2 tb Frangelico
     1/4 ts Vanilla
       2 c  Cream; whipping
       2 tb Frangelico
     1/4 c  Sugar; powdered
       2 oz Chocolate; semi-sweet
     1/2 ts Cream of tartar
   Butter and flour a 10 inch springform pan. Melt butter and
   chocolate chips in a double boiler. Separate eggs. Beat
   yolks till thick, slowly add 1/2 cup sugar. Stir in nuts,
   Frangelico, vanilla, and melted chocolate.
   Beat egg whites with cream of tartar until they form soft
   peaks. Slowly add 1/2 cup sugar, beat until stiff.  Fold
   1/4 of the egg whites into the chocolate mixture; fold all
   the chocolate mixture into the whites.
   Pour into springform pan and bake in a pre-heated 350
   degree oven for 30 minutes. Lower heat to 275 degrees, bake
   30 minutes. Turn off heat, let cake stand in oven, door
   ajar, 30 minutes. Remove cake from pan, place on platter.
   Beat cream till soft peaks form. Slowly add powdered sugar
   and Frangelico.  Spread cream evenly over top of cake.
   Sprinkle with chocolate curls made from the semi-sweet
   chocolate. Refrigerate 6-8 hours.  Let sit at room
   temperature 30-40 minutes before serving.