---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Espresso Torte for Passover
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 16 servings
       1 c  Butter or margarine
       1 c  Sugar; + 1 t sugar
       1 c  Expresso; + 2 t expresso*
      16 oz Semisweet chocolate
       1 lg Package
       6    Eggs; plus
       6    Egg yolks
            Confectioners sugar; garnish
   NOTE: can use margarine if it is good quality and
   parve...if you're serving a dairy meal.
   *brewed expresso or very strong coffee.
   NOTE: This cake can be served at Passover; of course then
   you would use Passover Cake Meal to dust the pans not flour
   Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease 9 spring-form pan.
   Place wax paper on bottom of pan; grease and flour; set
   Place butter, sugar and Expresso in the top of a double
   boiler and heat until sugar dissolve. Pour hot liquid over
   chocolate and stir until dissolved; set aside. Beat eggs
   and yolks until frothy; add to the chocolate mixture and
   pour into pan. Bake for one hour; edges should crack
   slightly. Remove from oven and cool; cover and refrigerate.
   Remove from pan and sprinkle with confectioners sugar.
   IMPORTANT: This cake is rich and has NO flour. It is almost
   as creamy as cheesecake. You should only serve tiny thin
   slices.  When you remove this cake from the oven it looks
   like it is NOT set; and it isn't.  It MUST go in the
   refrigerator at least a 12 hour period; so MAKE AHEAD of