---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Marble Cake - Lowfat
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 12 servings
       2 c  Cake flour
       1 ts Baking powder
     1/2 ts Baking soda
     1/2 ts Salt
   1 1/3 c  Sugar; divided
     1/3 c  Unsweetened cocoa powder
       1 ts Instant coffee powder; or
     1/4 c  Water
       1 lg Egg
       1 lg Egg white
       6 tb Unsalted butter; softened,
            -cut up
       1 c  Plain nonfat yogurt
       2 ts Vanilla extract
   Recipe by: Ladies' Home Journal - 1/95
   Preparation Time: 0:35
   1.  Position rack in lower third of oven.  Heat to 350F.
   Coat 8- or 10-cup fluted tube pan with spray.
   2.  Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in
   bowl.  In another bowl, stir 1/3 cup sugar, cocoa, coffee,
   and water until smooth.  Whisk whole egg and egg white in
   cup; set aside.
   3.  Beat butter in mixer bowl until creamy, 1 min.
   Gradually add remaining 1 cup sugar and beat at high speed
   abt. 3 min.  Gradually add eggs; beat 2 min.
   4.  W/ mixer at low speed, add dry ingred. alternately
   w/yogurt, beg. and ending with dry ingred.; beat until well
   blended.  Measure 1 1/2 cups batter and stir into cocoa mix.
   5.  Spoon about 3 quarters of the white batter evenly into
   bottom of tube pan.  Spoon on dollops of chocolate batter,
   then small dollops of white batter over the chocolate.
   Draw small knife thru batters in zigzag motion to
   marbleize.  Be careful not to overblend.
   6.  Bake 45-50 min, until toothpick insert in center of
   cake comes out clean.  Cool in pan 10-15 min.  Unmold cake;
   cool completely.