---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Mint Swirl Cake
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 12 servings
       3 oz Cream cheese; softened
       2 tb Sugar
       2    Eggs; separated
     1/8 ts Peppermint extract
       3 dr Green food color
       1 pk Devil’s food cake mix
   1 1/3 c  Oil
       2    Eggs
   1 1/2 tb Chocolate chips
       1 ts Shortening
       1 c  Powdered sugar
     1/4 ts Peppermint extract
       3 dr Green food color
       1 tb Corn syrup
   2 1/2 ts Water
   Heat oven to 350.  Generously grease and flour 12-cup bundt
   cake pan.
   Beat cream cheese in small bowl on high speed until smooth
   and fluffy. Beat in granulated sugar, 2 egg yolks, 1/8 t
   peppermint extract and 3 drops food color until smooth;
   reserve.  Beat cake mix, 1-1/3 c water, the oil, 2 whole
   eggs and 2 egg whites in large bowl on low speed 30
   seconds. Beat on medium speed 2 minutes.
   Pour half of the batter (about 2-1/2 c) into pan.  spoon
   reserved cream cheese mixture into ring, about 1 inch wide,
   onto center of batter in pan. Spoon remaining batter over
   cream cheese mixture.  Bake 45 to 50 minutes or until
   toothpick inserted in cake comes out clean.  Cool in pan 5
   minutes.  Invert onto wire rack; remove pan.  Cool cake
   Heat chocolate chips and shortening until melted and set
   aside.  Mix powdered sugar, 1/4 t peppermint extract, 3
   drops food color, the corn syrup and enough of the 2 to
   2-1/2 t water to make a thick glaze that can be easily
   drizzled. Drizzle powdered sugar glaze over cake;
   immediately spoon melted chocolate over glaze in 1/2-inch
   wide ring.  Working quickly, pull toothpick through
   chocolate to make swirls.  Refrigerate until serving time.
   Refrigerate any remaining cake.  Source  Debbie Nichols