---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Pudding Souffle Cake
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 10 servings
     1/4 c  Unsalted butter
       3 oz Unsweetened chocolate
     1/2 c  Cake flour
     1/2 ts Baking powder
     1/4 ts Salt
       6    Eggs
       1 c  Sugar
     1/4 ts Cream of tartar
     1/2 c  Sugar
       2 tb Cornstarch
   2 1/2 c  Heavy cream
       5    Egg yolks; lightly beaten
       8 oz Semisweet chocolate; finely
       2 ts Vanilla
   Recipe by: Mrs. Fields
   Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Grease a 9 springform pan.
   Melt togeter butter and chocolate in double boiler over
   simmering, not boiling, water; stir until smooth.  Set
   aside.  Mix flour, baking powder and salt in small bowl.
   Separate 3 eggs; place yolks in large bowl; reserve whites.
    Add 3 whole eggs and 3/4 cup sugar to yolks; beat on high
   until pale and lemon-colored, 2-3 minutes.  Beat in
   chocolate mixture at low speed; beat in flour mixture just
   until blended.
   Using clean beaters and clean medium bowl, beat whites
   until frothy.  Add cream of tarter and beat until soft
   peaks form.  Beat remaining 1/4 cup sugar until stiff, not
   dry, peaks form.  Stir about 1/3 of whites into chocolate
   mixture until blended.  Fold in the remaining whites.
   Scrape into pan, smoothing top.  Bake375 degrees 40-50
   minutes or until set in center. Cool completely on rack.
   Refrigerate until firm.
   Meanwhile, prepare pudding:  Whisk sugar and cornstarch in
   medium-size heavy saucepan.  Whisk in cream.  Bring to
   simmer over medium-low heat, stirring constantly.
   Gradually whisk some of the cream mixture into egg yolks.
   Scrape yolk mixture back into saucepan.  Cook over very low
   heat, whisking constantly, until very thick, about 5
   minutes; do not let boil.  Remove from heat.  Stir in
   chocolate and vanilla until melted and smooth.  Scrape into
   a bowl; place plastic wrap directly on the surface.
   Refrigerate until cold and thickened, at least 2 hours.
   To assemble:  Remove sides of pan from cake.  Using
   serrated knife, cut cake horizontally into 3 equal layers.
   Place 1 layer on serving plate; spread top with 3/4 cup of
   pudding.  Repeat with remaining layers and pudding.  Cover
   sides with pudding.  Refrigerate until pudding is set.