---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Toffee Icebox Cake
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 14 servings
       9 oz Chocolate wafer cookies
            =(about 44 cookies)
       2 c  Heavy cream
       2 tb Confectioners' sugar; plus
            Confectioner’s sugar
            =(for sprinkling, opt.
       1 ts Vanilla extract
       2 pk Vanilla instant pudding mix
            =3.4 oz each
       2 c  Half-and-half
       4    Heath bars; chopped
            (about 1-1/4 cups/1.4 oz
            Chocolate heart candies;
            Edible flowers; opt.
            (such as johny jump-ups
   Recipe by: Redbook Magazine - February, 1995
   No baking required....just assemble with love. Sandwich
   vanilla pudding and crushed toffee bars between a chocolate
   cookie crust and smother it all with cream frosting. Cupid
   extra: chocolate hearts. Line a 9x5x3-inch loaf pan with
   plastic wrap to overhang sides and ends by 2 inches. Use 20
   cookies to line bottom and sides of pan, overlapping
   slightly; set remaining cookies aside.
   In medium-size bowl with electric mixer at high speed, beat
   1 cup cream, 1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar, and 1/2
   teaspoon vanilla until stiff peaks form; set aside. In
   large bowl with mixer at medium speed, beat pudding mix and
   half-and-half until smooth. Using rubber spatula, gently
   but thoroughly fold in whipped cream and chopped toffee
   bars. Spread one third of pudding mixture over cookies in
   bottom of loaf pan; layer 8 of reserved cookies on top.
   Repeat layers twice, using half of remaining pudding
   mixture for each and ending with final 8 cookies on top.
   Cover pan with plastic wrap; refrigerate at least 4 hours
   or overnight until set. At serving time, remove and discard
   top sheet of plastic wrap. Place serving plate, facedown,
   over loaf pan; invert pan onto plate. Lift pan from cake;
   remove and discard remaining plastic wrap.
   In medium-size bowl with mixer at high speed, beat
   remaining 1 cup cream, 1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar
   and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla until stiff; using spatula, swirl
   decoratively over cake. If desired, decorate with chocolate
   hearts and edible flowers; sprinkle lightly with additional
   confectioners' sugar. Makes 14 to 16 servings.