---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate-Coconut Cake
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 1 servings
       3 oz Unsweetened chocolate
       2 c  Cake flour
   1 1/2 c  Sugar
   1 1/4 c  Buttermilk
     1/2 c  Shortening
   1 1/2 ts Baking soda
       1 ts Salt
       1 ts Vanilla
     1/2 ts Baking powder
       3    Eggs
   1 1/2 c  Flaked coconut
       1 c  Heavy cream
            Chocolate-walnut filling:
       1 c  Evaporated milk
     1/2 c  Brown sugar, packed
     1/2 c  Butter
       2 oz Unsweetened chocolate
       3    Egg yolks
       2 c  Walnuts; chopped
       1 ts Vanilla
   1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease two 9 round cake
   pans; dust bottoms & sides of pans w/ cocoa.
   2. In heavy 1 qt. saucepan over low heat, melt
   choc.,stirring often, until smooth; remove from heat.
   3. Into large bowl, measure next 9 ingred.; add melted
   choc. With mixer at low speed, beat until well mixed,
   scraping bowl often. Increase speed to high; beat 2 min.
   Stir in coconut.
   4. Spread batter evenly into pans. Bake 25-30 min.
   5. Cool cakes in pans on wire racks 10 min.; invert onto
   racks to cool completely.
   6. When cakes are cool, prepare filling. In small bowl, w/
   mixer at med. speed, beat cream until stiff peaks form.
   7. Cut each cake horizontally into 2 layers; place 1 layer
   on cake plate & spread w/ half the filling.
   8. Top w/ a second layer; spread half the cream. Top w/
   another cake layer; spread w/ remaining filling. Top w/
   last layer ; spread w/ remaining cream.
   ** Filling:   In 3 qt. saucepan over med. heat, heat 1 c.
   evaporated milk, 1/2 c. packed br. sugar, 1/2 c.butter, 2
   oz. unsweet. choc. & 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten, until
   choc. melts & mixture will coat a spoon, about 10 min.,
   stirring often (don't bring to a boilor it will curdle).
   Remove from heat;stir in 2 c. chopped walnuts & 1 tsp.
   vanilla. Cool until thick enough to spread, stirring
   occasionally.   Rose Nape