---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate-Glazed Banana Cake
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 12 servings
       1 ts Vegetable shortening
       1 tb All-purpose flour
       3 c  Cake flour; sifted
       1 tb Baking powder
     1/3 c  Plus 1 tb butter; softened
     1/2 c  Margarine; softened
       3 lg Eggs
   1 1/2 c  Ripe bananas; mashed
     1/3 c  Low-fat buttermilk
            Chocolate glaze:
       1 c  Unsifted powdered sugar
     1/4 c  Unsweetened cocoa powder
   1 1/2    (1 oz squares) unsweetened
     1/4 c  Boiling water
   Lightly brush 2 (9-inch) layer cake pans or 13x9-inch
   baking pan with shortening, then dust with all-purpose
   flour. Sift cake flour with baking powder and set aside.
   Cream butter with sugar in large mixer bowl until light and
   fluffy. Beat in eggs on medium speed 5 minutes, scraping
   bowl down several times. Reduce mixer speed to low, beat in
   bananas and buttermilk. Add dry ingredients all at once,
   mixing only to moisten dry ingredients. Spoon batter into
   prepared pans and bake on middle shelf of 350 degree oven
   25 to 30 minutes, or until wood pick inserted in center
   comes out clean. Cool 5 minutes in pans, then turn onto
   rack to finish cooling. For best results, wrap cooled
   layers in film and ripen overnight before serving. Frost
   with Chocolate Glaze or serve plain.
   CHOCOLATE GLAZE: Sift powdered sugar with cocoa. Set aside.
   Melt chocolate in top of double boiler over simmering
   water, or in microwave oven on HIGH (100% power) 1 minute.
   Remove from heat, stir boiling water into melted chocolate
   to make smooth paste, then stir in sugar-cocoa mixture.
   Spread evenly while warm over cake layers.
   VARIATION: For Banana-Nut Cake; Fold in 1/2 cup pecans or
   walnuts with flour.
   Frances Price, L.A. Times article, “Reviving Soul Food”,
   1/14/93“I've worked out new ways for old favorite [soul
   food] recipes, considerably lightened in both fat and salt,
   that preserve much (but not all) of that old-time flavor.”