---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Chocolate Dream Cake
  Categories: Cakes
       Yield: 10 servings
       1 pk Fudge cake mix w/o pudding
       1    Whipped topping mix (1.4-oz)
       4    Eggs
       1 c  Water
       1 ts Vanilla extract
       1 ts Butter flavoring
            Sour cream-chocolate frostin
            See recipe for
   Recipe by: Southern Living
   Preparation Time: 0:10
   Combine all ingredients except Sour Cream-Chocolate
   Frosting in a large mixing bowl; beat 4 minutes at medium
   speed of an electric mixer.  Pour batter into 2 greased and
   floured 9-inch round cakepans.  Bake at 325 degrees for 35
   minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out
   clean.  Cool in pans 10 minutes; remove from pans, and let
   cool completely on wire racks. Spread Sour Cream-Chocolate
   Frosting between layers and on top and sides of cake.
   Yield:  one 2-layer cake.