---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
  Categories: Fruits, Cakes
       Yield: 16 Servings
       1 c  Margarine; softened
       2 c  Sugar
       3    Eggs
     1/2 c  Water
       1 tb Vanilla
   2 1/2 c  Flour
       2 tb Cocoa; sifted
       1 ts Baking soda
       1 ts Cinnamon
       1 ts Nutmeg
       2 c  Chopped,peeled,cored apples
       1    6 oz semisweet chocolate chi
   Recipe by: South Bend Tribune In large bowl cream oleo and sugar. Beat in
   eggs, then water and vanilla. In separate bowl, stir together dry
   ingredients. Beat into creamed mixture. Stir in apples and chips. Spread
   into greased and floured tube pan. Bake at 325^ for 75 minutes or until
   cake tests done.  Cool on rack.