---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
  Categories: Chocolate, Cakes
       Yield: 1 Servings
       8 oz Cream cheese; softened
     1/3 c  Sugar
       1    Egg
     1/8 ts Salt
       1 c  Semisweet chocolate chips
       3 c  Flour
       2 c  Sugar
     2/3 c  Cocoa powder
       2 ts Baking soda
       1 ts Salt
       2 c  Water
     2/3 c  Vegetable oil
       2 tb White vinegar
       2 ts Vanilla
   Prepare filling by beating the cheese w/ the next 3 ingredients until
   smooth.  Add chocolate chips and put aside. Heat oven to 350F. Mix flour,
   sugar, cocoa, baking powder and salt. Add water, oil, vinegar and vanilla.
   Beat on med. speed for 2 min. Fill paper-lined muffin cups 2/3 full w/
   batter. Spoon one level tbsp. filling into the center of each cupcake. Bake
   20-25 min. or until a wooden pick inserted in the batter part comes out
   clean. Remove from pan and cool completely. Posted on Prodigy by Hanadi