*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 30   Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Chocolate                        Cakes
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    2       c            Sugar
    1                    Stick margarine [see PS at
    6       tb           Cocoa
    3                    Eggs, separated
    1       c            Buttermilk*
    2 1/2   c            Flour
    1 1/2   ts           Vanilla
      1/2   c            Hot water
    1 1/2   ts           Baking soda
   * (1 cup milk+1 tsp vinegar mixed together may be
   substituted here)
   1- Blend sugar and margarine; add cocoa and egg yolks.
   2- Alternately add buttermilk and flour. 3- Beat egg
   whites, add vanilla and blend into mixture. 4 a Pour
   into a greased and floured 13x9-inch baking pan -OR- 4
   b Pour into two 8 or 9 diamter cake pans lined with
   wax paper.
   SURPRISE FILLING 8 oz (1 pckg) cream cheese, softened
   0.5 c sugar 1 egg 1 dash salt 0.5 c semi-sweet
   chocolate chips
   1- Blend cream cheese, sugar, egg and salt. 2- Stir in
   chocolate chips. 3- Drop by teaspoonfuls over cake
   batter in pan. 4- Bake at 350 F for 30-40 minutes.
   Cake is done when it leaves side of the pan.
   To make cupcakes, fill paper baking cups 2/3 full with
   batter,  then drop 1 teaspoon Surprise Filling on top
   of each.  Bake at 350 F  for 25-30 minutes.  Makes
   30-32 cupcakes.
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