---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
  Categories: Cakes
       Yield: 12 Servings
      16 oz Semi-Sweet Chocolate *
      10 tb Unsalted Butter
       4 lg Eggs
       1 tb Sugar
       1 tb Unbleached Flour
       1 tb Real Vanilla Extract
            White Candy Roses
     1/2 c  Heavy Cream
       3 oz Semi-sweet Chocolate
   * There should be 16 squares of semi-sweet chocolate and they should
   ~------------------------------------------------------ ~------------- ~--
   One to Three Days In Advance: Preheat oven to 425øF. Butter bottom and
   sides of an 8-inch springform pan. Line bottom with parchment or waxed
   paper.  Using heavy-duty aluminum foil, wrap foil under and up outside of
   spring form pan to prevent leaks; set aside. In 3-qt saucepan, combine
   cut-up chocolate and butter.  Cook over low heat, stirring often, until
   chocolate and butter melt and mixture is smooth. Remove from heat; cool 15
   minutes. Meanwhile, with whisk, beat eggs and sugar over hot, but not
   boiling, water, until eggs are lukewarm and foamy and sugar is dissolved.
   Transfer to large bowl. Beat egg mixture at high speed until very thick and
   pale yellow--about 8 minutes. Beat in flour. Spoon about one fourth egg
   mixture into cooled chocolate. Fold chocolate back into remaining egg
   mixture.  Pour into prepared pan. Place pan in deep roasting pan. Fill with
   enough hot water to come 2/3rds of the way up the side of springform pan.
   Bake 15 minutes (mixture will still be soft in center). Place cake on wire
   rack; remove foil; carefully loosen edge of cake with a sharp knife or
   metal spatula.  DO NOT remove side of springform pan. Cool at room
   temperature 1 hour. Refrigerate overnight or up to 3 days. On day of
   serving prepare glaze:  In small saucepan, combine heavy cream and
   chocolate.  Cook over low heat, stirring often, until chocolate melts and
   mixture is smooth. Chill until thick enough to spread but still pourable,
   20 minutes. Loosen cake and remove sides of springform pan. Invert cake
   onto serving plate. Carefully remove bottom of springform pan and parchment
   paper.  Spread some of the glaze on side of cake. Pour remaining glaze on
   top, spreading with a spatula to form a smooth surface. Let cake stand at
   room temperature about 30 minutes to set glaze before decorating with white
   candy roses.