---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
       Title: Chocolate Truffle Cake
  Categories: Chocolate, Cakes/choc.
       Yield: 8 servings
      16 oz Semi-sweet chocolate            1 1/2 ts Sugar
       4    Eggs, separated, room temp          2 tb Confectioners sugar
     1/2 c  Sweet butter                        1 ts Hot water
       1 c  Whipping cream                           Confectioners sugar for
   1 1/2 ts Flour                                    Sprinkling over cake
       1 ts Vanilla                        
   Oil bottom of 8-inch or 9-inch spring form pan.  Melt chocolate and butter
   in low 200 degree oven for 10 minutes or until chocolate and butter are
   melted. Add flour, sugar and water; blend well. Add egg yolks one at a
   time, beating well after each addition. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites
   until stiff. Fold gently into chocolate mixture. Turn into prepared pan and
   bake for 15 minutes in middle of 425-degree oven. Let cake cool completely.
   Sift or sprinkle powdered sugar over top of cooled cake.
   Whip cream, vanilla and confectioners sugar until soft peaks form.  Whipped
   cream may be served thickly spread on top of cake or in a separate bowl.