*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                           MOCHA CHOCOLATE TORTE
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Desserts                         Chocolate
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
      1/2   c            Unsweetened cocoa
      1/2   c            Boiling water
    2 1/2   c            All purpose flour
    1 1/2   ts           Baking soda
      1/2   ts           Salt
    1 3/4   c            Sugar
      2/3   c            Butter or margarine
    2                    Eggs
    1       t            Vanilla extract
    1       c            Buttermilk
    5       tb           Flour
    1       c            Milk
    1       c            Sugar
    1       c            Butter or margarine
      1/2   ts           Instant coffee granules
    2       ts           Water
    1       t            Vanilla extract
    2       ts           Unsweetened cocoa
    1       c            Chopped pecans
      1/2   c            Shortening
      1/4   c            Butter or margarine
    2 1/2   tb           Evaporated milk
    1       tb           Boiling water
    1 1/2   ts           Vanilla extract
    1       d            Salt
    1       lb           Sifted confectioners' sugar,
   Pecan halves, optional
   For cake, make a paste of cocoa and water.  cool and
   set aside.  Sift together flour, soda and salt; set
   aside.  In a large mixing bowl, cream the sugar and
   butter.  Add eggs and vanilla.  Blend in cocoa
   mixture. Add flour mixture alternately with the
   buttermilk.  Blend until smooth. Pour into two greased
   and floured 9 inch cake pans.  Bake at 350 for 35
   minutes or until cake tests done.  Remove from pans
   and cool on a wire rack. For filling, cook flour and
   milk in a saucepan over low heat,stirring constantly,
   until thick.  Cool. Meanwhile, cream sugar and butter
   until light.  Dissolve coffee in water; add with
   vanilla, cocoa and milk mixture to creamed mixture.
   BEat until fluffy, about 5 minutes. Fold in nuts.
   Split each cake layer in half.  Divide filling into
   thirds and spread between layers.  For frosting, cream
   shortening and butter. Add milk, water, vanilla, salt
   and half the sugar.  Beat well. Add remaining sugar
   and beat until smooth and fluffy.  Spread over top and
   sides of cake. Garnish with pecan halves, if desired.
   Yield: About 16 servings.
   Origin:  Country Woman, Nov/Dec 1991 Shared by: Sharon
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