*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                       BANANA-CHOCOLATE  BUNDT  CAKE
 Recipe By     : Cookbook USA
 Serving Size  : 0    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cakes                            New Text Import
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    1 2/3  c.            sifted flour
      1/3  c.            Dutch processed cocoa powder
                          -- (like Ghiradelli)
    1      tsp.          salt
    2      tsp.          soda
    2      med.          ripe bananas
    1      c.            butter or margarine --  softened
    1 1/2  c.            sugar
    4                    eggs
      1/4  c.            sour cream
      1/4  c.            milk
 Preparation : 
 Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease and flour 12 cup Bundt pan or
 10 inch angel food tube pan.  Sift flour, cocoa, salt and soda
 together.  Mash the bananas with fork.  Cream butter and sugar until
 light.  Add sour cream and bananas to butter and sugar.  Beat the
 eggs until well blended.  In four stages, beat eggs into
 butter-sugar-sour cream-banana mixture.  Blend in 1/2 the
 flour-cocoa mixture.  Stir in the milk and remaining flour.  Mix
 only until evenly blended.  BE CAREFUL NOT TO OVER MIX BATTER. 
 Spoon into prepared pan and bake 30 minutes on the lowest level of
 your oven rack.  Rotate cake moving the back to the front.  Continue
 baking until toothpick pulls out clean from the center - about 30
 minutes more.  Let cool in pan 5 minutes on a rack.  Turn out on
 rack and cool before serving.  Tuesday Nite Ladies 
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