*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                       Chocolate-Bottom Mini-Cupcakes
 Recipe By     : Taste of Home - August/September '97
 Serving Size  : 72   Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Not Sent
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    1      8 oz pkg      cream cheese -- softened
    1                    egg
      1/3  c             sugar
      1/8  tsp           salt
    1      c             semisweet chocolate chips
    1      c             water
      1/3  c             vegetable oil
    1      tbsp          vinegar
    1      tsp           vanilla extract
    1 1/2  c             all-purpose flour
    1      c             sugar
      1/4  c             cocoa
    1      tsp           baking soda
    1      tsp           salt
 In a mixing bowl, beat cream cheese, egg, sugar and salt until smooth. 
 Stir in chocolate chips; set aside.  For batter, combine water, oil,
 vinegar and vanilla in another mixing bowl.  Combine remaining
 ingredients; add to the liquid mixture and beat well (batter will be
 thin).  Spoon about 2 tsp of batter into greased or paper-lined
 miniature muffin cups.  Top with about 1 tsp of filling.  Bake at 350°
 for 18-23 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in chocolate portion
 comes out clean.  Cool for 10 minutes; remove to wire racks to cool
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