*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                     Scoozi’s Flourless Chocolate Cake
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cakes                            Freezer Meals
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    8      ounces        semisweet chocolate
      1/2  cup           unsalted butter
    8      large         eggs -- separated
    7      tablespoons   sugar
      1/3  cup           orange-flavored liquer -- such as Grand
                         -- Marnier
      3/4  teaspoon      cream of tartar
    1      pinch         salt
                         sweetened whipped cream
 1. Heat oven to 250 degrees (F). Butter 9 springform pan & dust inside
 with flour, tapping out excess. 2. Gently melt chocolate & butter. Cool
 slightly. 3. Beat egg yolks, 4 Tb of sugar & liquer in large mixer bowl
 until light, about 5 minutes. Add chocolate mixture and mix thoroughly.
 4. Beat egg whites, cream of tartar & salt in large, clean, grease-free
 mixer bowl until foamy. Gradually beat in remaining 3 Tb sugar, beating
 well after each addition, then continue beating until soft, glossy peaks
 form. Thoroughly mix 1/4 of egg whites into chocolate mixture, then
 gently but thoroughly fold in remaining whites. 5. Transfer batter to
 prepared pan. Bake, turning pan a half turn every 30 mins, until a
 wooden pick comes out with moist but not wet crumbs, about 1 hour and 30
 minutes. 6. Transfer pan to wire rack & run a small knife around edge of
 pan to loosen cake. Let cake cool completely in pan. As it cools, cake
 will shrink back from pan and fall slightly. When cool, remove sides
 from pan & invert cake onto a serving plate. Serve with dollops of
 whipped cream.
  from the Frozen Assets List
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