*  Exported from  MasterCook Mac  *
                         LUNDI GRAS CHOCOLATE CAKE
 Recipe By     : Bon Apetit  November 1984
 Serving Size  : 12   Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cakes
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    9                    eggs, separated  -- room temp.
      3/4  cup           sugar
    1      tablespoon    vanilla
                         pinch of salt
      1/4  teaspoon      cream of tartar
      3/4  cup           unsweetened cocoa powder
   14      ounces        almond paste
    1      tablespoon    amaretto liquer  -- 1 to 2 T.
                         powdered sugar
      3/4  cup           amaretto liquer
                         CHOCOLATE FILLING:
   27      ounces        extra-bittersweet or bittersweet chocolate -- chopped
    3      tablespoons   unsalted butter
    1      quart         whipping cream  -- room temp.
    2      cups          whipping cream  -- whipped
 There are two simple tricks to preparing this fancy dessert. First, be 
 certain to use almond paste, not marzipan Second when making the 
 filling, fold the unwhipped cream into the melted chocolate gently; do 
 not beat.
 For cake: Preheat oven to 350F. Line lOxl5xl-inch jelly roll pan with 
 parchment; butter parchment. Beat yolks, 3/4 cup sugar, vanilla and salt 
 with electric mixer until pale yellow and slowly dissolving ribbon forms 
 when beaters are lifted. Beat whites with cream of tartar in another 
 large bowl until soft peaks form. Fold 1/3 of whites into yolks to 
 lighten; spoon remaining whites atop yolks. Sift on cocoa and fold until 
 just combined. Spread in prepared pan. Bake until springy to touch, 
 about 25 minutes.
 Meanwhile, if almond paste is dry or crumbly, combine in processor with 
 1 tablespoon amaretto. Blend until soft enough to roll out, adding more 
 amaretto by teaspoons if necessary. Roll almond paste out between 2 
 sheets of waxed paper into 9x14-inch rectangle. Refrigerate.
 Dust kitchen towel with powdered sugar. Turn cake out onto towel; remove 
 paper. Trim 1/2 inch off edges of cake. Place almond paste on hot cake. 
 Roll cake up jelly roll fashion, starting at one long side. Cool 
 Pour 3/4 cup amaretto into pie plate. Cut cake into 1/3-inch-thick 
 slices. Dip one side of each slice briefly into amaretto. Cover bottom 
 of 10-inch springform pan with some of cake slices dipped side down, 
 working from edge to center and arranging open ends of slices facing in 
 same direction. Press very firmly to secure slices. Place remaining 
 slices upright against sides of pan; press firmly to secure. Refrigerate 
 while preparing filling.
 For filling:  Melt chocolate and butter in top of double boiler over 
 barely simmering water, stirring until smooth. Transfer to large bowl. 
 Immediately add 1 quart cream in 3 additions, gently folding just until 
 combined; do not beat. Pour into cake-lined pan. Cover and refrigerate 
 Cut edges of cake even with filling if necessary. Invert cake onto 
 serving platter. Let stand at room temperature 20 minutes. Spoon whipped 
 cream into pastry bag fitted with star tip. Pipe some cream decoratively 
 around cake. Pass remaining cream separately.
 Formatted for MC and shared by dianne@olynet.com
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