---------- Exported from CookWorks for Meal-Master, v7.0
 Categories: Cakes/pies
   Servings: 12
 ---------------------------PEANUT BUTTER MOUSSE----------------------------
       2 c  powdered sugar
     3/4 c  smooth no salt peanut butter
       2 T  smooth no salt peanut butter
       6 oz cream cheese
       3 T  whipping cream
       2    egg white
 -----------------------------CHOCOLATE MOUSSE------------------------------
       1 c  whipping cream
     1/3 c  sugar
       8 oz bittersweet chocolate
   1 1/2 t  instant espresso powder
   2 1/2 T  hot water
       3    egg yolk
 ------------------------------CHOCOLATE GLAZE------------------------------
     2/3 c  whipping cream
       5 T  butter
       5 oz semisweet chocolate
     1/3 c  fresh raspberry
            fresh mint sprigs
   *Can use semisweet chocolate, chopped.  PEANUT BUTTER MOUSSE - Line 6-cup
 loaf pan with foil. Mix together 1 1/2  cups sugar, peanut butter and cream
 cheese in large bowl until smooth. Mix  in cream. Beat egg whites in medium
 bowl until soft peaks form. Gradually  add remaining 2/3 c. sugar and beat
 until stiff and shiny. Fold whites into  peanut butter mixture in 2
 additions. Tilt prepared pan lengthwise at 45  degree angle.  Spoon in
 peanut butter mousse and smooth top. (Mousse will  form triangle down
 length of pan.) Set pan in freezer, propping to hold  angle. Freeze until
 mousse is firm, about 1 hour. CHOCOLATE MOUSSE - Heat  cream and sugar in
 heavy small pan over very low heat, stirring just until  sugar dissolves.
 Transfer to med. bowl and refrigerate until well chilled.  Meanwhile, melt
 chocolate in top of double boiler over simmer water,  stirring until smooth
 - cool 5 min. Dissolve expresso powder in hot water  in small bowl. Whisk
 in yolks. Add mixture to warm chocolate and stir until  mixture is smooth
 and slightly thickened. Let stand until batter is cooled  to room temp.,
 but not set. Beat chilled cream to soft peaks. Fold cream into  chocolate
 mixture in 2 additions. Set pan with frozen peanut butter mousse  flat onto
 work surface. spoon chocolate mousse over frozen peanut butter  mousse. 
 Smooth top.  cover pan. Freeze until chocolate is firm, 6 hours or 
 overnight. GLAZE - Heat cream and butter in med. saucepan over low heat 
 until cream simmers and butter is melted. Turn off heat. Add chocolate and 
 whisk until mixture is smooth. Let cool until thickened, but still of 
 pouring consistency, about 1 1/2 hours. Invert loaf onto cake rack. Remove 
 pan; remove foil. Pour glaze over mousse and smooth all surfaces. Transfer 
 mousse to serving platter.