MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
       Title: Chocolate Intemperance
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate, Alcohol
       Yield: 1 servings
   1 1/2 lb Semi-sweet chocolate
     1/2 c  Strong coffee
     1/2 c  Tia Maria
     1/2 c  Heavy cream
       2 tb Sugar; separated
       3    Eggs
       1 pk Brownie mix
       2 tb Water
       3    Eggs
 MMMMM----------------------CHOCOLATE GLAZE---------------------------
     1/2 lb Semi-sweet chocolate
     1/3 c  Water
   Melt the chocolate with the coffee in the top of a double boiler.
   When the chocolate is completely melted, remove the pan from the
   heat. Beat the egg yolks until pale yellow and stir into the
   chocolate. Gradually stir in the Tia Maria. Cool the mixture. In a
   separate bowl, beat the egg whites gradually adding the sugar, until
   the whites are stiff. Whip the cream. Gently fold the whipped cream
   into the cooled chocolate mixture and then fold in the whites.
    CAKE: Beat ingredients together at medium speed of electric mixer
   until batter is smooth. Grease a 11x15 jelly roll pan. Line it with
   waxed paper. Grease and flour the paper, shaking off any excess
   flour. Spread the batter evenly in the jelly roll pan. Bake for 10-12
   minutes or until the cake tests done. Turn the cake on a rack and
   peel off the paper. Lightly oil a charlotte mold and line with the
   cooled cake. Cut the rounds of cake to fit both the top and the
   bottom of the moldm, and a strip for the sides. Place the smaller
   round in the bottom of the mold. Wrap the strip around the inside of
   the mold. You will probably have to piece one section of the side to
   cover completely. Don't worry the patches will be covered by the
   chocolate glaze. Spoon the chilled filling into the mold. Fit the
   larger round on the top of the filling. Chill for 3-4 hours or until
    CHOCOLATE GLAZE:- Melt the chocolate in the water and stir until
   smooth. Spread over the top and sides of the mousse cake and down the
   sides. Chill again. Serve in slender slices, it indecent ly opulent.