MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
       Title: Chocolate Mint Layer Cake
  Categories: Chocolate, Mint, Cakes, Desserts
       Yield: 8 servings
       1 c  Mint-Chocolate Chips;Nestles
   1 1/4 c  ;water, divided
   2 1/4 c  Flour; Unbleached
       1 ts Salt
       1 ts Baking Soda
     1/2 ts Baking Powder
   1 1/2 c  Brown Sugar; Firmly Packed
     1/2 c  Butter, Softened
       3    Eggs; Large
 MMMMM------------------CHOCOLATE MINT FROSTING-----------------------
     1/2 c  Mint-Chocolate Chips;Nestles
     1/4 c  Butter
       1 ts Vanilla Extract
     1/4 ts Salt
       3 c  Confectioners' Sugar
       6 tb Milk
            Chocolate Leaves
            Chocolate Curls
            Chocolate Gratings
   CAKE: Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. In a small saucepan, combine
   mint-chocolate chips and 1/4 cup of water.  Cook over medium heat,
   stirring constantly, until chips are melted and mixture is smooth.
   Cool 10 minutes. In medium bowl, combine flour, salt, baking soda,
   and baking powder; set aside.  In a large bowl, combine brown sugar
   and butter; beat until creamy. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating well
   after each addition. Blend in chocolate mixture.  Gradually beat in
   flour mixture alterantely with remaining 1 cup of water.  Pour into 2
   greased and floured 9-inch round baking pans. Bake at 375 degrees F.
   for 25 to 30 minutes, or until cakes test done. Coll completely on
   wire racks.  Fill nd frost with Chocolate Mint Frosting. Garnish as
   desired. CHOCOLATE-MINT FROSTING: Combine over hot (not boiling)
   water, the mint-chocolate chips and butter.
    Stir until chips are melted and mixture is smooth.  Stir in vanilla
   extract and salt.  Transfer to a large bowl.  Gradually beat in the
   confectioners' sugar alternately with milk; beat until smooth.  (if
   necessary add more milk until desired consistency is reached.)
   GARNISHES: Use chocolate curls and grated chocolate on top of the
   cake.  Form a ring of grated chocolate pieces around the outside edge
   and use the curls in the center.  To make chocolate leaves, select
   several small leaves, wash and dry them and paint one side of them
   with melted chocolate.  Chill until firm and peel the leaf off the
   chilled chocolate.  Use as garnish.