MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
       Title: Chocolate Mousse Cake (Part Two)
  Categories: Cakes, Toppings
       Yield: 1 servings
 MMMMM-----------------GANACHE ICING AND ASSEMBLY----------------------
 MMMMM-----------------FOR CHOCOLATE MOUSSE CAKE----------------------
       1 c  Heavy cream
       8 oz Semisweet chocolate
            - Chopped coarse
       2 tb Orange flavored liqueur
            Oranges; halved/sliced thin
            - into half rounds/about 14
            - slices
   FOR THE GANACHE: In a small saucepan bring the cream just to a simmer.
   Remove the pan from the heat, add the chocolate and let the mixture
   stand, covered, for 5 minutes. Stir in the liqueur and continue to
   stir the ganache until smooth and tepid. Strain through a fine sieve
   into a small pitcher or a bowl with a lip.
   ASSEMBLY: Cut an 8 cardboard round and put one teaspoon of the
   mousse in the center of it, then set one of the cake layers, bottom
   side up on the cardboard. Cover the cake with some of the mousse,
   smoothing it into an even layer, and top it with the remaining layer,
   bottom side up. Cover the top and the sides of the cake with the
   remaining mousse, smoothing it with a spatula, and chill the cake
   until it is cold. Set the cake on a rack over a jelly roll pan and
   pour the creme ganache over it, smoothing it with a spatula to
   completely cover the top and sides of the cake. Let the cake stand at
   room temperature for 10 minutes and scrape any excess chocolate glaze
   from the jelly roll pan back into the saucepan. Heat the excess
   ganache, stirring, until smooth, cool it to tepid, and pour it over
   the cake, smoothing it with a spatula over the top and sides of the
   cake. Chill the cake until the glaze is set. Transfer the reserved
   chocolate mixture to a pastry bag. Arrange orange slices, rounded
   sides up on the top of the cake, so that one end of the slice is
   toward the center and the other is toward the edge of the cake. Pipe
   the chocolate mixture along the base on each side of the orange
   slices. Arrange the remaining cream decoratively around the bottom
   edge of the cake. Let the cake stand at room temperature for at least
   15 minutes before serving.
   From the databases of Barb Day Prodigy ID# GWHP32A.