MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
       Title: Chocolate San Andreas Cake
  Categories: Chocolate, Cakes
       Yield: 6 servings
       8 oz Semi-Sweet Chocolate,
            -Coarsely Chopped (8
       6 oz Unsweetened Chocolate,
            -Coarsley Chopped (6
     3/4 c  Unsalted Butter Cut Up
       9 lg Eggs, At Room Temperature
   1 1/2 c  Sugar
       1 ts Vanilla Extract
       2 tb Unbleached All Purpose Flour
            Confectioners' Sugar
   Yield: 16 Servings
   NOTE:  This very densed chocolate cake is named after the famous
   California fault becaus it forms big cracks as it bakes and cools.
   Adjust the oven rack to the lower third of the oven.  Prehat the oven
   to 350 degrees F.  Butter and flour a 10-inch springform pan.
   Heat the chocolates and butter in a double boiler over simmering
   water, stirring frequently, until melted.  Remove from the heat and
   cool to room temperature, stirring occasionally. about 25 minutes.
   Beat the eggs in a large mixer bowl until frothy.  Gradually add the
   sugar and beat until mixture becomes thick and lemon-colored and
   ribbon forms when the beaters are lifted, about 10 minutes.  Add the
   vanilla. Gradually add the chocolate mixture and beat well.  Fold in
   the flour and pour the batter into the prepared pan.
   Bake 45 to 50 minutes, until the top of the cake begins to crack. Cool
   completely in the pan on a wire rack, then wrap and refrigerate
   overnight. Let stand at room temperature for 1 hour before serving.
   Remove the sides of the pan and place on a serving plate.  Sprinkle
   the top with confectioners' sugar.  For best results, cut the cake
   with a knife dipped in warm water, wiping off the knife between cuts.
   Each Serving Contains:
   CAL     PRO     FAT     CARB    SODIUM  CHOL ** 320 5 G 22 G 31 G 37
   Mg 143 Mg
   From The Ladies Home Journal April 1991