---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Cakes, Desserts
       Yield: 1 14x10 cake
       5 oz Semisweet chocolate
     1/2 c  Butter, softened
       2 tb Butter, softened
       1 c  Sugar
       1 pn Salt
       1 pn Ground cinnamon
       1 pn Lemon peel, grated
       6    Eggs, separated
       1 c  All-purpose Flour, sifted
       8 tb Butter
       7 oz Semisweet chocolate
       2    Eggs, beaten
       3 c  Powdered sugar, sifted
     1/4 c  Rum
   Line 14x10 inch cake pan with waxed paper and grease paper.  Preheat oven
   to 350F.
   CAKE.... Melt chocolate in double boiler over low heat. In a large bowl,
   cream butter and half the sugar until light and fluffy. Add salt, cinnamon
   and lemon peel.  Beat in egg yolks, one at a time, with melted chocolate.
   Beat egg whites until stiff; fold in remaining sugar.  Fold egg white
   mixture into creamed mixture with flour.  Spread batter evenly in prepared
   cake pan.  Bake 20 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes
   out clean.
   Sprinkle a sheet of waxed paper with sugar and turn out cake onto it.
   Peel off lining paper.  Cool 2 hours, then cut cooled cake lengthwise into
   two 14x5 strips.
   FROSTING... Melt butter, cool slightly. Finely grate chocolate. Mix
   chocolate, eggs, powdered sugar, butter and rum in double boiler. Stir
   constantly over low heat until chocolate has melted and all ingredients are
   thoroughly combined.  Cool.
   Place the two 14x5 strips on top of one another, with about half of the
   frosting used as filling. Spread remaining frosting thickly over top. Cut
   into slices when frosting is firm.
   Brought to you by Scott Welliver, Episoft Systems for Cyberealm BBS
   Watertown, NY 315-786-1120