MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
       Title: Sigi’s Chocolate Torte *
  Categories: Cakes, Tortes, Chocolate, Frostings
       Yield: 10 servings
 MMMMM----------------------PATTI - VDRJ67A---------------------------
       1 lb Pound cake, ready made
       6 oz Semi sweet chocolate chips
       3 tb Water; boiling
       4    Egg yolks
     1/2 c  Butter; softened
       1 ts Vanilla -OR- rum
            Nuts; chopped, any kind
   Prepare favorite pound cake in loaf shape, or thaw if frozen. Slice
   cake into 4 even horizontal slices. Place chocolate chips in blender.
   Whirl about 3 seconds until pieces are a coarse powder. Add boiling
   water. Whirl until smooth. Blend in yolks. Add butter, whirling until
   smooth, followed by either rum or vanilla extract. Spread evenly
   between cake layers, on sides and top. If icing is too thin,
   refrigerate a few minutes until of spreading consistency. Decorate
   cake with nuts. Refrigerate cake about 3 hours before slicing to
   serve. Keep leftover cake covered in refrigerator.