*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                         WHITE CHOCOLATE CAKE #2 *
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 12   Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Chocolate                        Frostings
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
                         -----PATTI - VDRJ67A-----
      1/4   lb           White chocolate
      1/2   c            Water -- boiling
    1       c            Butter
    2       c            Sugar
    4                    Egg yolks
    1       t            Vanilla
    2 1/2   c            Cake flour
    1       t            Baking powder
      1/4   ts           Salt
    1       c            Buttermilk
    4                    Egg whites -- beaten stiff
    1       c            Pecans -- chopped
    1       c            Flaked coconut
                         -----COCONUT FROSTING-----
    2       c            Sugar
      1/2   c            Water
      1/2   c            White Karo syrup
    2                    Egg whites -- beaten frothy
            pn           Salt
    1       t            Vanilla
    2       c            Flaked coconut
   Melt chocolate in boiling water; cool. Cream together
   butter and sugar. Beat in egg yolks, one at a time,
   beating well after each addition. Add melted chocolate
   and vanilla. Sift together the flour, baking powder,
   and salt. Add to chocolate mixture, alternating with
   the buttermilk. Do not over beat. Fold in beaten egg
   whites, gently. Stir in nuts and coconut. Divid evenly
   into three generously greased and lightly floured cake
   pans. Bake in 350~ oven for 30-45 minutes..until
   lightly browned and center springs back at your touch.
   Cool, and frost with icing.
    Coconut Frosting: Cook sugar, water, and Karo until
   it reaches soft ball stage. Pour syrup into  egg
   whites and beat until stiff. Add salt and vanilla.
   Spread between layers and on top and sides of cake.
   Sprinkle icing with coconut as thickly as you like.
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