---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
  Categories: Cakes
       Yield: 1 servings
 -----------------------------ROCHER CHOC LAYER-----------------------------
     100 g  Milk chocolate
     100 g  Praline
      60 g  Chopped almond
 ------------------------------CHOC SPONGE CAKE------------------------------
       4    Whites
     120 g  Sugar
       4    Yolks
     100 g  Flour
      20 g  Cocoa
 ------------------------------MARQUISE MOUSSE------------------------------
     250 g  Whipping cream
     200 g  Chocolate
      50 g  Bitter chocolate
      50 g  Butter
     150 g  Whipped cream
     100 g  Sugar
     100 g  Water
      20 g  Rum
 ------------------------------CHOCOLATE GLAZE------------------------------
     200 g  Whipped cream
     100 g  Glucose
     200 g  Chocolate
      50 g  Bitter chocolate
      30 g  Butter
   Get the ring of a springform cake or a cake ring and trace the
   pattern onto some wax paper.
   Melt the milk chocolate over a double boiler, add the praline
   (praline is hazlenuts ground with sugar) and the chopped almonds.
   Spread on the sheet of waxed paper and freeze.
   Whip the whites and sugar together as hard as they will go. Gently
   incorperate the yolks, and then incorperate the flour/cocoa mix.
   Spread or pipe batter onto sheets in shapes larger than the ring.
   Bake at 375-390 till they are done (tell by looking at them and
   feeling them).
   Chop the bitter chocolate and chocolate for the mousse. Boil the
   creme and pour it over the chocolate. Add the butter.
   Whip the cream to almost hard peak, and when the chocolate truffle has
   cooled, add the whipped cream and incorperate.
   Boil the sugar and water, add the alcohol.
   Cut rocher chocolate to fit into cake circle.
   Put the bottom layer of the cake on a flat surface. Put the circle
   over it and press down, so that the edges are cut off and the center
   is inside the circle with a good seal. Brush syrup on bottom layer.
   Put some mousse in and then put the layer of rocher chocolate in.
   Put another layer of mousse in. Brush top layer with syrup, and put
   it into the cake. Put cake in fridge for a hour or so. Remove the
   ring from the cake.
   Boil the cream/glucose and pour it over the chopped chocolate for the
   glaze (glucose is sort of like cooked sugar or very heavy corn syrup.
   I reduce some corn syrup and sugar till it’s very thick but still
   liquidy when cooled). Add the butter to the glaze, mix, and pour over
   cake. Spread with a spatula to cover the entire cake.
   Decorate with piped chocolate truffle, white chocolate, or whatever
   you like.
   Posted on rec.food.recipes by ah787@freenet.carleton.ca (Bill Stuart)