1 4-serving size package of chocolate pudding mix (not instant)
 1 pint skimmed chocolate milk (Yoo-Hoo will work in a pinch)
 1 box Pillsbury lite chocolate cake mix (other mixes without pudding in mix
 	will also work, but will add a few calories)
 6 ounces chocolate chips
 Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  You may spray 9 x 13 inch pan, but it comes
 out fine without the grease.
 Cook pudding with chocolate milk according to package directions.  Remove
 from heat and 
 add cake mix.  Stir until combined.
 Spread batter into baking pan.  Sprinkle chocolate chips on top.  Bake at
 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes, until tester comes out clean.
 This analysis based on 12 servings, but I find that a bit too generous &
 usually get 16 servings out of a pan.  Per serving 3.8 grams of fat, 180
 calories, no cholesterol.