*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 4    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Chocolate                        Cakes
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
                         -----CHOCOLATE CAKE-----
    3                    Eggs, separated
      1/3   c            Granulated sugar
      1/2   c            Flour
    2       tb           Unsweetened cocoa powder
                         -----RASPBERRY SYRUP-----
      1/4   c            Sugar
      1/4   c            Water
    2       tb           Raspberry liqueur
                         -----RASPBERRY MOUSSE-----
    1 1/2                Unflavored gelatin
      1/4   c            Water
    2       pk           (each 300 grams) frozen
                         Raspberries, thawed
      3/4   c            Sugar
    2       tb           Lemon juice
    2       tb           Raspberry liqueur
    2       c            Whipping cream
                         -----CHOCOLATE GLAZE-----
    4       oz           Semisweet chocolate
      1/4   c            Whipping cream
   This recipe makes double the amout of cake needed, so you'll be able to
   freeze the extra cake to have on hand when you want to make an encore of
   these fabulous flavors.
   CHOCOLATE CAKE:   In large bowl, beat egg yolks with 1/4 cup of the sugar
   until very pale.  In separate bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks form;
   gradually beat in remaining sugar until stiff peaks form. Fold egg white
   mixture into egg yolk mixture. Sift flour and cocoa over egg mixture;
   gently fold in.  Pour into buttered 8 inch springform pan;bake in 350F oven
   for 30-35 minutes or until top springs back when lightly touched. Run knife
   around edge of cake to loosen.  Let cool on wire rack.
   RASPBERRY SYRUP:  In small saucepan, combine sugar and water; cook over
   medium heat until sugar has dissolved, about 1 minutes.
    Stir in liqueur.  Let cool.
   RASPBERRY MOUSSE:  In small saucepan, sprinkle gelatin over water; let
   stand for 5 minutes to soften.  Pass berries through food mill to puree and
   remove seeds to make aobut 2 cups. Transfer puree to separate saucepan. Add
   sugar and lemon juice; cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until
   sugar hs dissolved, about 5 minutes. Stir in liqueur; transfer to large
   bowl.  Over low heat, heat gelatin until dissolved; stir into raspberry
   mixture.  Chill, stirring occasionally,over larger bowl of ice and water
   for about 20 minutes or until consistency of raw egg whites. Whip cream;
   fold into cooled raspberry mixture. Reserve 1/2 cup for garnish.
   TO ASSEMBLE: Cut cake into 3 or 4 thin layers; reserve 2 layers and freeze
   remaining layers for another use.  Sprinkle 1 cut side of each of the 2
   layers with raspberry syrup.  Place 1 layer, syrup side up, in 9 inch
   springorm pan; pour in half of the raspberry mousse. Top with second cake
   layer;pour in enough of the remaining mousse to come almost to top of pan.
   Smooth surface.  Refrigerate until firm, 1-2 hours.
   CHOCOLATE GLAZE: In top of double boiler over hot, not boiling, water, melt
   chocolate with crea, stirring until smooth.  Let cool to room temperature
   yet still spreadable; pour over mousse and spread evenly. Spoon remaining
   mouse into pastry bag fitted with small plain tip; pipe three concentric
   circles over top of cake.  Pull toothpick through circles to form spiderweb
   design.  Refrigerate until chilled. Shared by: Sharon Stevens.
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