*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                           Chocolate Mousse Cake
 Recipe By     : Miriam P. Posvolsky
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Desserts
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
   15                    oreo cookies
      1/4  pound         butter
    6                    eggs
    8      ounces        semi sweet chocolate bar
      1/4  pound         butter
    3      ounces        sugar
    1      tablespoon    cognac
 1. Powder cookies in food processor. 2. Stir in melted butter. 3. Line a
 springform pan with parchment and press the crust mixture in the bottom. 4.
 Melt chocolate, cut in pieces, with butter, in a double boiler. 5. Whip egg
 yolks and sugar until lemony colored. 6. Stir in melted chocolate, whipping
 to combine. 7. Whip whites until they form soft peaks. 8. Fold into
 chocolate mixture. Add cognac. 9. Spoon into crust. Chill 6 hours.
 May be topped with chantilly and chocolate shavings
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