*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                         WHITE CHOCOLATE FUDGE CAKE
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 15   Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : 
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
 *****  NONE  *****
   :          Frosting----
        16 oz reduced fat vanilla
   :          frosting
       1/4 c  white chocolate discs --
   :          melted
         1 ts pure vanilla extract
         8 oz Cool Whip® Free -- thawed
   :          Batter----
    18 1/4 oz reduced fat white cake mix
         1    env Dream Whip® whipped
   :          topping mix
       1/2 ts baking powder
         1 c  water -- cold
         4    egg whites -- whipped
         1 TB oil
         1 ts pure vanilla extract
       1/4 c  white chocolate discs --
   :          melted
   :          Filling----
       1/4 c  powdered sugar
         1 c  semisweet chocolate chips
         1 TB margarine -- melted
         2 TB corn syrup
   To prepare frosting, beat vanilla frosting at medium
   speed in a mixing bowl, gradually adding 1/4 cup
   melted chocolate discs. Beat at high speed 30 seconds
   or until smooth and well blended. Fold in vanilla and
   whipped topping. Refrigerate. Preheat oven to 350.
   Prepare a 13 x 9 pan with cooking spray and flour;
   set aside. To prepare batter, combine cake mix,
   whipped topping mix, and baking powder.  In another
   mixing bowl, combine water, egg whites, oil, and
   vanilla. Mix dry ingredients with wet ingredients just
   until moistened. Gradually beat in remaining chocolate
   discs until well blended. Pour batter into prepared
   pan. Bake for 40 minutes or until cake is light brown.
   Cool 10 minutes. Meanwhile, to prepare filling, over
   low heat, add powdered sugar, chocolate chips,
   margarine, and corn syrup. Cook until well blended and
   melted. Spread filling over warm cake. Cool
   completely. Frost cake. Store in refrigerator. Let
   stand at room temperature 10 minutes before cutting.
   Recipe By     : The Pillsbury Company
   From: Matejka@bga.Com (Anita A. Matejkadate: Fri, 18
   Oct 1996 09:47:36 -0500
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