*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                           Chocolate Almond Torte
 Recipe By     : Maureen Griffin <GriffinMau@gov.nb.ca>
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cakes
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
      1/2  cup           butter
      1/2  cup           sugar
    8                    eggs
    8                    egg whites
      1/2  lb.           pitted dates - chopped finely
      1/2  lb.           unblanched almonds - chopped finely
    5      oz.           unsweetened chocolate
    1      Tbsp.         vegetable oil
  grease with vegetable oil one 10 spring-form pan and line with greased
  wax paper chop nuts and dates.  Process chocolate in food processor or
  grate on the large cut of food grater
  In a large bowl cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.  add egg yolks
  one at a time.
  Fold in nuts, dates and chocolate pieces
  In another bowl whip the egg whites until they form soft peaks and fold all
  but 1/2 cup into the butter mixture. Pour into prepared pan - bake for 40-50
  minutes at 375.  Let cool for 15-20 mins before turning out.
  Melt 3 oz. white or dark chocolate and pour over cooled cake and refrigerate
  for at least two hours.  Cut with hot knife
  Serve with fresh cream and maybe rose petals.
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