*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
               Chocolate Hazelnut Brandy Torte with Biscotti
 Recipe By     : Jason McDonald <jmcdonald@voyageur.ca>
 Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Chocolate
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
   11      oz            Semisweet baking chocolate
      1/2  lb            Butter -- room temp
    2                    Eggs
      1/3  c             Sugar
    3      tb            Brandy
    7      oz            PEAK FREEN SWEET-MEAL BISCUITS -- coarsely broken
      1/2  cup           Whole toasted hazelnuts
     In top of double boiler melt chocolate and butter together.  In large bowl,  
  with electric mixer, beat eggs and sugar at high speed until lemon colored.	 
   Add the chocolate/butter mixture and beat at medium speed until the butter  
  is completely mixed in. Add the brandy & mix throughly. Pour the mixture   over
  the biscuits.      Mix well.	Line a 9 cake pan with plastic wrap.  Pour in
  the mixture and   cover with plastic wrap. Freeze until ready to serve.  
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