*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                           English Chocolate Cake
 Recipe By     : <nade@newton.u-net.com> Nadine Newton
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cakes
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    7      oz            Self raising flour
    8      oz            Castor sugar
      3/4  Teaspoon      salt
    2      Tablespoons   cocoa powder
    4      oz            Butter
    2                    Beaten eggs
    5      Tablespoons   milk
    5      Tablespoons   water
    1      Teaspoon      vannila essence
    2 1/2  oz            Butter
    4      Tablespoons   cocoa powder
    8      oz            Sieved icing sugar
    3      Tablespoons   hot milk
    1      teaspoon      vanilla essence
 1.      Sift flour, sugar, salt and cocoa
 2.      Rub in butter
 3.      Stir in eggs, essence and liquids; beat well.
 4.      Grease and flour two 8 inch cake tins, divide mixture
         between them.
 5.      Bake in a moderate oven. 325-350 deg.fahr. Gas mark 3-4.
         For about 35 minutes. Allow to cool.
 Choclate Icing ( fill and cover )
 1.      Melt butter, blending in cocoa, then stir in icing sugar,
         milk and essence.
 2.      Beat until smooth, thick and the correct consistency to
         fill and ice the cake.
 It’s really nice warmed in a microwave oven and served with cream.
 Happy eating.
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