---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04
       Title: Devil’s Food Cake
  Categories: Diabetic, Desserts, Cakes
       Yield: 18 sweet ones
    0.50 c  Cocoa;
    0.50 c  Boiling water;
    2.00 c  Cake flour;
    0.50 ts Baking soda;
    1.50 ts Baking powder;
    0.13 ts Salt;
    0.33 c  Sugar;(or substitute)
    0.75 c  Liquid egg substitute;(room
    1.00 ts Vanilla;
    0.50 c  Margarine; room
   Stir together cocoa and boiling water until smooth.
   Set aside to cool to room temp. Place flour, baking
   soda, baking powder, salt and sugar in mixer bowl and
   mix at low speed about 1 minute to blend. Add egg
   substitute, sweetener, and vanilla to cocoa mixture
   and mix well. Add margarine to dry ingredients along
   with cocoa mixture and mix well at medium speed about
   1 minute.  Pour into 9 square or 9x13 cake pan that
   has been greased with margarine.  Bake at 350 F for
   about 30 minutes, or until a cake tester comes out
   clean and cake pulls away from the sides of the pan.
   Cool in the pan and cut 6x3 to yield 18 pieces. Serve
   cold with a tablespoon of Whipped Topping or warm with
   some Chocolate Sauce. Allow 1 piece per serving: Food
   Exchange per serving: 1 BREAD EXCHANGE + 1 FAT
   EXCHANGE; CAL: 119; CHO: 16; PRO: 2gm; FAT: 6gm;
   Source: The New Diabetic Cookbook by Mabel Cavaiani;
   Brought by to you and yours via Nancy O'Brion and her