---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate, Kids
       Yield: 3 Dozen
       3 oz (2 pkg) cream cheese;
     2/3 c  Creamy peanut Butter;
     1/4 c  Vanilla Extact;
       3 c  Powdered sugar;
       2 c  All-Purpose flour;
       2 c  Sugar;
     3/4 c  Cocoa;
       1 ts Baking soda;
       1 ts Salt;
     1/2 ts Baking powder;
     3/4 c  Shortening;
     3/4 c  Buttermilk;
     3/4 c  Sour milk
     3/4 c  Water;
       2    Eggs;
       1 ts Vanilla extract;
            Assorted candies; (optional)
   Heat oven to 350 degrees.  Line Muffins cups (2 1/2 in diameter) with
   paper bake cups. TO MAKING FILLING: Beat cream cheese and peanut butter in
   large bowl until blended. Add milk and vanilla; beat well. Gradually add
   powdered sugar, beating until smooth. Add additional milk, 1 ts at time,
   until desired consistency is reached. TO MAKE CUPCAKES: Stir together dry
   ingredients in a large bowl.  Add shortening, buttermilk, water, eggs and
   vanilla.  Beat a low speed with an electric mixer 30 seconds, scraping bowl
   occasionally.  Fill muffin cups 1/2 full with batter. Bake in a 350 degree
   oven for 20 minutes. Remove from wire rack. Cook completely. Place peanut
   butter cream filling into a pastry bag fitted with large star tip. Insert
   the tip into the center of the on the top of the cupcakes; pipe filling
   into cake. Remove tip from cake; garnish top with swirl or filling.
   Decorate with candies, if desired.  Cover; refrigerate liftover cupcakes.
   NOTE: To sour milk, use 2 1/2 teaspoon white vinegar plus enough milk to
   make 3/4 cup. Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune Food Section, Oct. 13,