---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
  Categories: Cakes, Kids
       Yield: 8 Servings
       1 tb Instant coffee
       4 tb Hot water
       4 tb Jamaica rum  (can be
      14 oz Semisweet baking chocolate
       2 oz Unsweetened baking
       6    “large” eggs
     1/2 c  Sugar
       1 c  Heavy or whipping cream,
       1 tb Pure vanilla extract
            -Confectioner’s sugar
   Preheat oven to 350 and place rack in lower-third level. Prepare a square
   pan 9x9x2 or any 10 cup cake pan, preferable with nonstick lining,
   buttered, bottom lined with buttered waxed paper, and floured.
   The Chocolate Swirl the coffee and how water in a medium size saucepan, add
   the rum, and break up the chocolate in the pan. Bring 2 of water to the
   boil in a larger pan, remove from heat, and set chocolate pan in it; cover
   and let the chocolate melt while you continue with the recipe.
   The egg and sugar mixture Break the eggs into a beating bowl, add the
   sugar, and stir over hot water for several minutes until eggs are slightly
   warm to your finger- this makes beating fster and increases volume. Then
   beat five minutes or more, until mixture has at least tripled in volume and
   forms a thick ribbon when a bit is lifted and falls from beater. The eggs
   should be the consistency of lightly whipped cream. (You must have beating
   eqipment that will keep the whole mass of eggs moving at once (meaning a KA
   The Whipped Cream Pour cream into a metal mixing bowl. Empty a tray of ice
   cubes into a larger bowl, cover them with cold water, then set the cream
   bowl into the larger ice-filled bowl. Beat with a hand held mixer or a
   large balloon whisk, until cream has doubled in volume and holds it’s shape
   softly.  Whip in the vanilla.
   Assembling and baking Beat up the melted chocolate with a whisk; it should
   be smooth and silky. Scrape it into the egg-sugar mixture, blending rapidly
   with a rubber spatula, and when partially incorporated, fold in the whipped
   cream, deflating cream and eggs as little as possible. Turn batter into
   prepared cake pan, which will be about two-thirds filled.
   Set it at once in a pan of hot water in the preheated oven. Cake will rise
   some 1/8 inch above edge of pan, and is done when a skewer or straw comes
   out clean, after about one hour of baking. Then turn off the oven, leave
   oven door ajar, and let cake sit for 30 min. in it’s pan of water so that
   it will sink evenly. Remove from oven, still in it’s pan of water and let
   sit for another 30 min. so that it will firm up before unmolding and
   serving.  Cake will sink down as it cools to about its original volume.
   Unmold the cake and decorate with a sprinkling of confectioners sugar or
   with pipings of whipped cream, or with a soft chocolate icing (semisweet
   chocolate melted and beaten with a little soft butter).
   You may wish to pass a custard sauce or sweetened and vanilla- flavored
   whipped cream with cake.
   From “Julia Child & Company”  1978