*  Exported from  MasterCook II  *
                          Black Forest Coffeecake
 Recipe By     : 365 Great Chocolate Desserts - ISBN 0-06-016537-5
 Serving Size  : 8    Preparation Time :0:45
 Categories    : Chocolate
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
      1/2  C             Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
    3      C             Buttermilk Baking Mix
      1/2  C             Sugar
    4      Tbsp          Butter Or Margarine -- melted
      1/2  Tbsp          Almond Extract
    3                    Eggs
    1      Can (21 Oz)   Dark Sweet Cherry Filling Or Topping -- undrained
    6      Oz            Semisweet Chocolate Chips
 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. In a large bowl, combine cocoa, baking mix, 
 sugar, butter, almond extract, eggs, and 2/3 cup water. Beat with an 
 electric mixer on medium 15 to 20 seconds.
 2. Spread half of batter in a well-greased 7 1/2 x 11 3/4-inch baking 
 dish. Pour undrained cherry filling over batter and sprinkle chocolate 
 chips over filling. Spoon remaining batter on top, allowing some filling 
 to show through. Bake 25 to 30 mins. Cut into squares and serve warm or at 
 room temperature.
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