*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                         Black Forest Pudding Cake
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 8    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Chocolate                        Desserts
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
    1 1/4  cups          Sugar
    1      cup           Flour
    3      tablespoons   Cocoa -- unsweetened
    2      teaspoons     Baking powder
      1/4  teaspoon      Salt
      1/3  cup           Butter -- melted
    1 1/2  teaspoons     Vanilla
      1/2  cup           Packed brown sugar
      1/4  cup           Cocoa -- unsweetened
    1 1/4  cups          Hot water
    2      tablespoons   Water
      1/2  teaspoon      Almond extract
    1      can           Cherry pie filling
 Preheat oven to 350.  In a medium-size bowl, combine 3/4 cup of the sugar, flour,
three tablespoons of the cocoa, baking powder and salt.  Blend in milk, melted
butter and vanilla; beat until smooth.	Spread into an 8 inch square pan. In a
small bowl, combine remaining 1/2 cup sugar, brown sugar and remaining 1/4 cup
cocoa; sprinkle mixture evenly over batter. Combine hot water and almond extract;
pour over batter.  Do not stir. Bake for 40 minutes, or until center is almost
set.  Let stand 15 minutes. Transfer to dessert dishes and spoon pudding from
bottom of pan over cake. Serve with cherry pie filling as sauce.  (great without
the cherry pie filling, and/or with whipped cream.)
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