---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Dark Angel Cake
  Categories: Cheesecakes, Bakery
       Yield: 12 To 16
     1/4 c  + 2 tb sifted cake flour
     3/4 c  Unsweetened cocoa powder
   1 1/2 c  + 3 tb sugar
     1/2 ts Salt
   1 1/2 c  Egg whites; from 11-12 eggs,
            -slightly below room temp
   1 1/2 ts Cream of tartar
       2 ts Vanilla
   Preheat oven to 325~. Resift cake flour with cocoa powder, 3/4 c sugar and
   salt. In large bowl, beat egg whites on low speed 1 1/2 minutes, or until
   frothy. Sprinkle cream of tartar over whites. Beat on medium speed until
   white and foamy. Slowly add remaining sugar, beating 2 to 3 minutes, or
   until soft (not stiff), smooth peaks form. Sprinkle one-third cocoa mixture
   and vanilla over egg whites. Fold in with rubber spatula, keeping spatula
   under surface of batter as you fold. Repeat two more times with remaining
   cocoa mixture. Do not overfold. Pour into ungreased 9 or 10 tube pan. Bake
   in lower third of oven about 50 to 60 minutes, or until cake springs back
   when touched and wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Remove
   from oven and invert tube pan on counter. Let cool in pan about 2 hours
   before removing. Source: Cooking Right, TVFN. MM Waldine Van Geffen