---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Glazed Raspberry Fudge Cake
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 12 servings
     1/3 c  Cake flour
       2 ts Baking powder
       6 tb Unsalted butter; soft
       1 c  Sugar
       5 lg Eggs; separate
       5 oz Semisweet chocolate; melt,
            Cool slightly
       2 tb Cocoa
       1 tb Vanilla
       1 tb Dark rum
       1 tb Water
     1/4 ts Cream of tartar
     1/4 ts Salt
       2 tb Raspberry preserves
       2 tb Water
       2 tb Unsalted butter
       3 oz Semisweet chocolate
     3/4 c  Powdered sugar, sifted
   1 1/2 ts Dark rum
       2 pt Raspberries; (2 to 4)
    Sift flour and baking powder in bowl. Set aside. Use mixer
   to cream butter and 3/4 cup sugar. Add egg yolks, 1 at
   time, until mixture is satiny. Add melted chocolate, cocoa,
   vanilla, rum and water. Mix well. Add flour mixture. Mix
   well. In large, grease-free mixing bowl, beat egg whites on
   low speed until frothy (easiest to do with stand mixer).
   Add cream of tartar and salt. Beat until they hold soft
   peaks. Slowly add remaining sugar by tb. Do not overbeat.
   Peaks should still be soft. Stir 1/4 whites into batter.
   Gently fold in remaining whites. Transfer batter to
   generously greased (9-inch) springform pan, bottom lined
   with greased parchment or wax paper. Smooth surface. Bake
   at 350~ until well browned and crusty and wooden pick
   inserted into center comes out without batter (it is not
   bone dry), about 35 minutes. Cool in pan on cooling rack
   until completely cooled. Cake will deflate as cools.
   Use sharp flexible knife to carefully separate cake from
   collar, then from bottom of spring form. Place piece of
   plastic wrap over cake and gently compress high edges of
   cake to make uniform surface. Invert cake onto serving
   platter. Remove paper.
   GLAZE- Heat raspberry preserves until flowing. Brush onto
   top and sides of cake. Combine water, butter and chocolate
   in microwaveable dish or small pot. Gently melt chocolate.
   Add powdered sugar and rum. Stir well. Let glaze stand
   until slightly thickened and spreadable. Use flexible
   spreader to coat sides and top of cake with glaze. Can be
   made day ahead and held at room temperature, covered
   airtight. Serve with raspberries, passed separately in bowl.