---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Coffee Orange Fudge Cake
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 12 servings
       1 pk German chocolate cake mix
       8 oz Sour cream
     1/2 c  Cooking oil
     1/2 c  Water
       4    Eggs
       4 oz Chocolate fudge pudding,
     1/4 c  Coffee liqueur
       2 tb Orange peel
       1 ts Cinnamon
      12 oz Semi-sweet chocolate chips
            Confectioners sugar;
   Grease and flour a 10 fluted tube pan. In a large bowl,
   combine the cake mix, sour cream, oil, water, eggs, pudding
   mix, liqueur, orange peel and cinnamon.  Beat with an
   electric mixer on low speed until blended, scraping sides
   of bowl constantly. Beat on medium speed for 4 minutes.
   Stir in chocolate chips. Pour into prepared pan.  Bake in
   350~ oven for 50-60 minutes or until tested done. Cool on
   wire rack. Remove from pan. Sprinkle with confectioners'
   sugar if desired.