---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 1 Servings
   5 1/3 oz Bitter chocolate
   2 2/3    Egg (this is right)
   1 1/3 c  Water
     3/4 c  Sour milk
   1 1/3 ts Vanilla
       3 c  Flour
   2 3/4 c  Sugar
   1 1/3 ts Baking soda
   1 1/3 ts Salt
     3/4 c  Sugar
       6 tb Evaporated milk
       3 oz Chocolate; unsweetened
   1 1/2 ts Butter
      Grease a Bundt pan. Dust with fine bread crumbs and chill. Preheat oven
   to 350~. Melt the chocolate with the shortening. Combine eggs, water, milk,
   and vanilla. Blend well. Mix flour, sugar, soda, and salt thoroughly. (If
   you don't, the flour will clump in the batter.) Gradually add dry
   ingredients to liquid ingredients, blending on low speed of mixer until
   just mixed, scraping bowl well. Pour into pan and bake until done, 50-65
   minutes. Cool in the pan glaze with icing. ICING: While cake is cooling,
   heat the sugar in the evaporated milk in the top of a double boiler until
   the sugar is dissolved. (The mixture will not feel grainy when rubbed
   between the fingers.) Melt butter and chocolate together. Combine with
   milk/sugar mixture. You may add one to two teaspoons hot water to the icing
   to enhance the sheen. Pour icing over the cake.
    Recipe: Texas French Bread Bakery in Austin, TX