---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Creme De Cocoa Cake/mw
  Categories: Cakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 12 servings
       1    White cake mix
     1/2 c  Orange juice
     1/2 c  Cooking oil
     1/4 c  Creme de cocoa or water
   1 1/4 c  Chocolate syrup
       1 pk Instant vanilla pudding;
       3 lg Eggs; beaten
       2 dr Green food coloring
     1/4 ts Vanilla
   Combine all ingred. except the chocolate syrup.  Pour 2/3
   batter into greased bundt pan for MW cooking.  Mix
   chocolate syrup with batter. Pour over batter in pan, do
   not stir-don't stir it in. MW on full power 10-11 min. or
   til cake pulls away from edges from pan. Remove from oven,
   let stand 5-10 min. before turning out on cake stand. HINT:
   PUt wax paper over cake while cooling.
   * use creme de menthe instead of creme de cocoa if you