*  Exported from  MasterCook  *
                             DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE
 Recipe By     : 
 Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : 
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
      3/4   c            Boiling water
    3       oz           Chocolate squares
    2 1/4   c            Sifted cake flour
    1 1/2   ts           Baking soda
      3/4   ts           Baking powder
      3/4   ts           Salt
      3/4   c            Shortening
    1 7/8   c            Brown sugar
    3                    Eggs, well beaten
    1 1/2   ts           Vanilla
      3/4   c            Sour milk
   Pour boiling water over chocolate; stir over low heat until smooth and
   thick; cool.  Sift flour, soda, baking powder and salt together.  Cream
   shortening with sugar until fluffy.  Add eggs and beat thoroughly.  Blend
   in chocolate and vanilla.  Add sifted dry ingredients and milk alternately
   in small amounts, beating well after each addition.  Pour into greased pans
   and bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes.  Makes 3 (8 inch) layers.
   Randy Rigg  The Pinnacle Club BBS  812-963-9139
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