*  Exported from  MasterCook II  *
                            Andrea’s Fudge Cake
 Recipe By     : Belltown Cafe, Seattle  via Chocolatier Magazine
 Serving Size  : 10   Preparation Time :0:00
 Categories    : Cakes                            Chocolate
                 Chocolate Desserts               Desserts
   Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
 --------  ------------  --------------------------------
   12      ounces        semisweet chocolate
    5      tablespoons   espress or strong coffee
    1      cup           butter
    2      cups          sugar
    6                    egg yolks
    1      cup           flour
    6                    egg whites
                         Chocolate Glaze
    4      ounces        semisweet chocolate or bittersweet
    2      tablespoons   unsalted butter -- melted
 1.  Preheat oven to 350F. Prepare 9 greased & floured springform or
 removable bottom pan. (I use cocoa instead of flour)
 2.  Melt semiwseet chocolate & espresso in double boiler. Cool. (I stick
 mine the the frig for about 15 - 30 minutes)
 3.  Cream together butter & sugar
 4.  Add yolks - one at a time to butter & sugar mixture.
 5.  Add flour to butter & sugar mixture. Mixing well
 6.  Beat egg whites stiff
 7.  Mix cooled chocolate into egg whites. Fold this into butter/egg/flour
 8.  Pour into pan. Bake 60-70 minutes. Top will be crusty & cracked. Middle
 will still be slightly moist.
 1. Melt chocolate in top of double boiler over hot water.
 2. Whisk in melted butter
 3.  Pour over cake
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Serving Ideas : Serve hot with good quality ice cream.
 NOTES : Don't overbake.  Underbaked you will have a sort of runny fudgy
 chocolaty middle that is PERFECTLY acceptable. In fact a lot of my friends
 prefer it that way. Overbaked it will become hard.