---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: Sunburst Chocolate Cake
  Categories: Cheesecakes, Chocolate
       Yield: 12 servings
     2/3 c  Frozen egg substitute;
     3/4 c  Sugar
     1/2 c  All-purpose flour
     1/3 c  Hershey’s cocoa
     1/2 ts Baking soda
     1/4 ts Salt
     1/3 c  Water
       1 ts Vanilla
       1    Powdered dessert topping
     1/2 c  Cold skim milk
      11 oz Canned mandarin oranges
     3/4 ts Grated orange peel
   Heat oven to 375 degrees F. Grease sides and bottom of two
   8-inch round baking pans; line bottoms with wax paper. In
   small mixer bowl, beat egg substitute on high speed of
   electric mixer 3 minutes. Gradually add sugar; continue
   beating 2 minutes. Remove from mixer. Stir together flour,
   cocoa, baking soda and salt; add alternately with water and
   vanilla to egg mixture, folding gently until mixture is
   combined. Spread batter evenly in prepared pans. Bake 15 to
   17 minutes or until top springs back when touched lightly
   in center.  Cool 5 minutes; remove from pans and peel off
   paper.  Cool completely on wire rack. Prepare Citrus
   In small mixer bowl, beat topping with mix with milk until
   stiff peaks form, about 4 minutes. Reserve 1/2 cup orange
   segments for garnish; set aside. Cut remaining segments
   into thirds; gently fold with orange peel into topping. To
   assemble, place one cake layer on serving plate; spoon half
   of Citrus Filling onto layer.  Top with remaining layer and
   Citrus Filling; garnish with reserved orange segments.
   Cover; refrigerate several hours.