MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
       Title: White and Dark Chocolate Dogwood Bark (Marcel
  Categories: Desserts, Bakery
       Yield: 1 servings
       3 c  Pecan halves
       6 oz White chocolate; chopped
      12 oz Semisweet chocolate; chopped
   Recipe by: BAKERS' DOZEN (MARCEL DESAULNIERS) SHOW Preheat the oven
   to 325 degrees . Toast the pecans on a baking sheet in the preheated
   oven for 8 minutes. remove the nuts from the oven and set aside to
   cool at room temperature until needed. Heat 1 inch of water in the
   bottom half of a double boiler over medium heat. With the heat on,
   place the white chocolate in the top half of the double boiler. Use a
   rubber spatula to stir the chocolate until completely melted and
   smooth, about 4 minutes. Transfer the melted chocolate to a 1-quart
   bowl and set aside. Thoroughly wash and dry the top half of the
   double boiler. Heat 1 inch of water in the bottom half of a double
   boiler over medium heat. With the heat on, place the semisweet
   chocolate in the top half of the double boiler. Use a rubber spatula
   to stir the chocolate until completely melted and smooth, about 6
   minutes. Transfer the melted chocolate to a 4-quart bowl. Allow the
   chocolate to stand at room temperature for 5 minutes before
   proceeding. Add the pecans to the bowl of melted semisweet chocolate.
   Use a rubber spatula to fold in the pecans until combined. Pour the
   chocolate pecan mixture onto a nonstick baking sheet with sides and
   use a rubber spatula to spread evenly. drizzle the white chocolate,
   one tablespoon at a time, over the entire surface of the chocolate
   pecan mixture. Use a rubber spatula to spread and blend the white
   chocolate into the surface of the chocolate pecan mixture creating a
   marbleized effect (be careful not to overblend which would diminish
   the marbleized effect). Allow the mixture to cool at room temperature
   for 30 minutes. Cover the baking sheet with plastic wrap and
   refrigerate until the bark is hard, about 1 hour. Remove the baking
   sheet from the refrigerator and transfer the bark to a cutting board.
   Use a cooks knife to cut the bark into irregular pieces. Refrigerate
   in a tightly sealed plastic container until ready to use.